Message from the Executive Director
On behalf of the Board of Commissioners and staff, I welcome you to our website. At the Tallahassee Housing Authority, we are dedicated to maintaining and providing quality affordable housing. We strive to provide a network of supportive services that enhance quality of life for our residents.
Our staff is committed to providing quality services and a professional atmosphere to our employees, partners and the greater Tallahassee constituency. We hope you find this website useful and will visit it often.Brenda Williams, Executive Director
Serving the
City of
Florida and the
Leon County area
Tallahassee Housing Authority, Florida
Providing Homes, Building Families, Enhancing the Future
The Tallahassee Housing Authority provides affordable housing for persons with low to moderate incomes through two programs: Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)/Section 8 and Public Housing. The Tallahassee Housing Authority also provides supportive services for our residents (clients) and coordinates additional services through the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program. Funding for all programs is provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Who We Are: Formed in 1946, the Tallahassee Housing Authority is a public entity that provides federally-subsidized housing and housing assistance to families, within the Tallahassee, Leon County area.
What We Do: Tallahassee Housing Authority provides quality affordable housing for low-to moderate-income households, fosters sustainable communities, and cultivates opportunities for residents to improve their lives in collaboration with local supportive services.