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Tallahassee Housing Authority - Additional Public Housing and HCV Waivers

Additional Public Housing and HCV Waivers and Alternative Requirements

All Waivers are in effect until June 30, 2021.

Utility Allowance Schedule - Required Review and Revision

Tallahassee Housing Authority (THA) is waiving the requirement to review the schedule of utility allowances and will delay updating the utility allowance schedule housing programs. 

PH Flat Rents - annual Choice of Rents

THA waives the requirement that a family may not be offered a choice between a flat rent and an income-based rent more than once a year.  However THA commits to expeditiously identify, respond to, and address serious conditions that could jeopardize life or property.

PH Annual Self-Inspections

THA waives the requirement to make an annual inspection of each public housing project to determine whether units in the project are maintained to applicable standards and remain safe for residents.

PH and HCV-3/4: Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination - Income Verification requirements/Interim Examinations

HUD has waived the requirements to use the income hierarchy described by PIH-Notice 2018-18 and will allow PHAs to forgo third-party income verification requirements for annual reexaminations and interim reexaminations, including the use of EIV, if the PHA wishes to conduct the annual recertification rather than delaying the family's annual recertification.

Self-certification may be used as the highest form of income verification to process annual and interim reexaminations. This may occur over the telephone but MUST be documented by THA staff with a simultaneous record through an email or postal mail with a self-certification form by the tenant, or through other electronic communications.

PH and HCV-7: Waiting List: Opening and Closing; Public Notice

HUD has waived the requirement to publish the opening and closing of the waiting list in a local newspaper of general circulation and also by minority media and other suitable means.

THA may provide public notice in a voicemail message on its main or general information telephone number and through its website. THA must comply with applicable fair housing and other civil rights requirements when they provide public notice under this alternative, including ensuring effective communication with persons with hearing, visual, and other communication-related disabilities.

HQS-1: Initial Inspection Requirements

HUD has waived the requirements that units may not be approved, or HAP contracts executed prior to the until passing HQS inspection. In addition, HUD has waived the 15-day requirement to inspect units after a RFTA is submitted.

THA may now rely on the owner's certification that the owner has no reasonable basis to have knowledge that life-threatening conditions exist in the unit or units in question instead of conducting an initial inspection. However, THA is required to conduct an HQS inspection on the unit as soon as reasonably possible but no later than the 1- year anniversary of the date of the owner certification.

HQS-6: HQS Interim Inspections

HUD is waiving the requirement to inspect units within 24 hours of when the PHA receives a notification that the assisted unit does not comply with the HQS.

If a life-threatening deficiency is reported, THA must notify the owner of the reported life-threatening deficiency and that the owner must either correct the life-threatening deficiency within 24 hours of the PHA notification or provide documentation (e.g. text, or email a photo to the PHA) that the reported deficiency does not exist. If the deficiency is non-life threatening, THA must notify the owner of the reported deficiency within 30 days and the owner must either make the repair or document that the deficiency does not exist within 30 days of the PHA notification or any approved PHA extension.  THA is also waiving the requirement to QC the HQS inspections as well.

HCV-1: Administrative Plan

HUD has waived the requirement to have board approval for any revisions of the PHA's administrative plan.

THA will adopt policies on a temporary basis without Board approval. All revisions must be formerly adopted as soon as practicable following June 30, 2020, but no later than June 30, 2021.

HCV-2: Information When Family is Selected - PHA Oral Briefing

HUD has waived the requirement of the PHA to give the family an oral briefing when selected to participate in the HCV or PBV program.

THA will utilize webcast or video calls to conduct the briefing.

HCV-3: Term of Voucher - Extension of Term

HUD has waived the requirement that the extension must be accordance with the PHA's administrative plan in order to allow the PHA to provide extensions even though it has been unable to formally amend its policy in the administrative plan.

HCV-4: PHA Approval of Assisted Tenancy - When HAP Contract is Executed

HUD has waived the requirement to execute HAP contracts before the beginning of the lease term and that the HAP contract must be executed no later than 60 days from the beginning of the lease term.

THA may execute HAP contracts after the 60-day deadline has passed and make housing assistance payments back to the beginning of the lease term. However, the PHA and owner must execute the HAP contract no later than 120 days from the beginning of the lease term.

HCV-5: Absence from Unit

HUD has waived the regulation requiring that a family may not be absent from the unit for a period of more than 180 consecutive calendar days for any reason.

THA will continue housing assistance payments and not terminate the HAP contract due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., hospitalization, extended stays at nursing homes, caring for family members).

HCV-6: Automatic Termination of HAP Contract

HUD has waived the regulation to automatically terminate HAP contracts 180 days after the last housing assistance payment to the owner.

THA may extend the period of time following the last payment to the owner that triggers the automatic termination of the HAP contract. (e.g., $0 HAP subsidy for 6 months)