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Resident Meetings

Orange Avenue Redevelopment & Proposed Demolition Resident Meeting
July 21st, 2020

Site Overview
Current Conditions and Future Plans

Current Conditions

  • Built in 1972, in barracks-style.
  • Design is old and inefficient, rooms are small.
  • Building and systems are old and need extraordinary repair and upgrades: fire safety system, HVAC, electrical and plumbing system are all affected.
  • Major storms lead to flooding and excessive soil erosion.
  • Consultant has done analysis of rehabilitation cost. It shows that the development meets HUD's requirement for demolition: the "obsolescence test".


  • Columbia Residential was hired by THA to be co-developer in 2017.
  • A master plan for the redevelopment was completed in 2018 with community and resident input: new mixed-income development on-site and off.
  • Requires replacement of each PH units with a subsidized unit.
  • Redevelopment is expected to occur in phases.
  • Funding has been awarded for Phase 1 onsite (130 units). Application to be submitted in the fall for Phase 2.
  • No new units will be built in the flood way.

Estimated Timeline (Schedule/Process)

Schedule (Subject to Change)

  • Submit Demolition Application to HUD - Anticipated Completion August 2020
  • HUD Demolition Approval - Anticipated Completion October 2020
  • 90-Day Notice - Anticipated Completion November 2020
  • Start Resident Interviews and Voluntary Relocation - Anticipated Completion December 2020 - February 2021
  • Required Relocation Phase 1 - Anticipated Completion February - March 2021
  • Required Relocation Phase 2 - Anticipated Completion March - December 2021

General Approach

  • Resident protection, notification and support features, will be based on HUD relocation guidelines.
  • No required move without 90-day notice.
  • On-going communication and resident support.
  • Advisory and support services including moving.
  • Financial assistance to off-set out of pocket moving expenses.

Relocation Plan and Staffing

  • THA will have staff dedicated to assist residents planning and implementing relocation.
  • THA staff will be available for evening & weekend consultation.
  • Staff will make home visits as needed and requested.
  • Staff will assist with support and resources for special needs and elderly.

Relocation Options

Anticipated Housing Options

  • Vacant Public Housing (PH) Apartments
  • Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8)

Tenant Paid Rents

  • Tenant rents for PH units are typically 30% of gross income with allowance for adjustments
  • If you move to another PH unit your rent may not be affected by your relocation out of Orange Avenue
  • Rent you pay with a voucher will depend on the bedroom size of the unit and its utility allowance. Size of the unit must be appropriate for the family size.

Relocation Orientation

  • We will conduct an interview with each household to determine relocation needs and preferences.
  • At the interview, we will provide you with both written and verbal explanations of available housing options.
  • We will also review with each household, both in writing and verbally, laws pertaining to discrimination and fair housing.
  • During the initial interview, and afterwards, we will assist each household, at their option, with the preparation of a budget for living expenses (such as rent, utilities and maintenance).
  • We will also be available to you for referrals to community resources for other specialized and personal needs.

Resident Advisory and Counseling

THA staff will survey each household to:

  • Determine its needs and housing preferences.
  • Explain relocation benefits (including eligibility requirements and procedures for obtaining benefits).
  • Explain relocation schedule.
  • Advise on comparable replacement dwellings that may be available.
  • Provide households considering Section 8 relocation with lists of suitable housing available in the metro area.
  • Provide transportation to view replacement housing.

Housing Locator Services

To help you locate suitable replacement housing, we will provide these services to your household:

  • Provide lists of qualified housing providers/landlords.
  • Help in contacting landlords and housing providers.
  • Arrangement for transportation to inspect available housing.
  • Information regarding schools, public transportation, shopping, etc. in areas you wish to live.
  • Assistance with completing rental applications.
  • Assistance in negotiations with prospective landlords.

Other Relocation Support Services

  • Provide moving assistance through a qualified moving company at no cost to you.
  • Coordination of the actual move - date, time, etc.
  • Help with resolution of relocation/moving issues.
  • THA will pay for transfer of utilities and new hook-up expenses (gas, electric, water, trash removal, phone, etc.).
  • THA will provide packing materials.
  • For any permitted reimbursement related to moving expenses, resident must provide proof of payment/billing statements (moving allowance will capped based on number of bedrooms).
  • Provide any specialized services for elderly or disabled residents.

HCV Issuance & Lease Up

A voucher can be used to rent private housing anywhere within THA's jurisdiction or "ported" to other places.

  • Go through intake screening which can take up to 30 days.
  • A briefing is done with the family after eligibility is confirmed.
    • How the program works, responsibilities of tenant, landlord and housing authority are discussed.
  • Voucher is issued based on family composition and on maximum rent family can afford according to program guidelines.
  • Family is given 60 days to find a suitable unit.
  • THA conducts Housing Quality Standard inspection of the unit within 5-10 days from notice that a unit has been found.
  • After passing HQS inspection, landlord and THA enter a contract for the voucher payment and landlord and renter sign lease agreement. Renter and THA both pay owner their rent portions.
  • Landlords may have varying requirements to rent a unit. Many will require security deposits. Some may do background and/or credit checks.
  • You are allowed to move to another city with the voucher. Once you sign a lease, you are required to stay in that unit for at least one year before you can move with the voucher if you desire.

Possible Impact - COVID-19

  • THA has instituted practices compliant with social distancing guidelines and contactless processing.
  • THA will follow guidelines in effect regarding masks, gloves and attire for staff and require vendors to abide by applicable requirements.
  • Personnel involved in services entering a home may need to ask about health condition of residents in order to adequately serve and protect occupants of the home.
  • Meetings with THA staff will be conducted in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
  • Residents that suffer loss of job or income will have their rent adjusted and those payments will apply when they move to another public housing unit or Section 8.

Frequently Asked Questions

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